Anthony Everett: Real estate, everyone knows, is all about location, and it doesn’t get any closer to the water than 22 Liberty, the new luxury condominium building at Fan Pier. Joe Fallon: We’re abutting the central business district yet looking down in the inner harbor and outer harbor so we literally have a 270-degree view and providing that view with the city skyline as well as the boating and waterfront, we had great success with 22 Liberty. Anthony Everett: It’s a view that often seals the deal with prospective buyers, says the director of sales and marketing.
Mary Benoit: As we progress through the marketing center, we come to the window that overlooks the harbor and literally everyone goes silent. It’s just so inspiring when they get to the window because the vista is so wide. We like to refer to it as like movable wallpaper. Anthony Everett: That view and the high-end finishes of the condos helped 22 Liberty sell out and there’s a wait list for its sister building, 50 liberty, which begins construction before the end of the year. They are the newest additions to developer Joe Fallon’s Fan Pier site which houses the corporate headquarters of the pharmaceutical firm, Vertex. There’s also a vibrant restaurant scene, including Babo, all of which has created big demand for the condos. Joe Fallon: Because of the access of I-90, that’s what caused the waterfront to be a focus. We can go east, west, north and south at one location. If you talk to Vertex and homeowners, they see access to the waterfront as the biggest plus.
Mary Benoit: A lot of it is empty nesters, people downsizing, people who want out of a large home. They are passionate about coming to the city. I think Fan Pier really offered a lot of these empty nesters something they hadn’t seen before, something that was a little bit different, a little bit special. Anthony Everett: Different and special come with a price, Ranging from $1,000 a square foot for a studio, or about $1 million, to $2700 per square foot for the upper floors of the building. Amenities include parking, a fitness center, 24-hour concierge function room and more. For Fallon, who bought the Fan Pier site in 2005 and has been steadily developing it ever since, the condominium buildings are the next phase of his work in progress. Joe Fallon: I compare it often to a painting. You want to wait until the painting is fully done so you know what it’s going to feel like and look like and that’s true with the waterfront. I think patience will be a virtue. Give us another five to 10 years and you’ll see something I think everybody will be proud about.
Anthony Everett: Back to 22 Liberty, they will begin occupancy this November and ground breaking on 50 Liberty will be in October with a completion date a couple of years away.