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The Fallon Company and Street2Ivy Host Annual Free Real Estate Investing Course to Boston Youth

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Boston-area students ages 16-21 who are interested in learning the fundamentals of the real estate industry can now apply to join the Fallon Real Estate Entrepreneurship Youth Program hosted by The Fallon Company and Street2Ivy.

The free, six-week summer program will teach students the basics of commercial real estate investment, exposing them to relevant industry skills while establishing their relationships with mentors. 

The program is a collaboration between The Fallon Company, a leading national real estate development firm headquartered in Boston, and Street2Ivy, an entrepreneurial incubator focused on providing aspiring change-makers in underserved communities the tools and resources they need to achieve economic empowerment. Participants will learn critical skills for succeeding in the commercial real estate industry, including identifying and evaluating potential investment opportunities, conducting property valuations and market analysis, raising capital and submitting and negotiating a winning offer.

Read full article here.